Song and Dance Man

Song and Dance Man
Ethical RFCS Unethical
0.5 Stars0.5 Stars0.5 Stars0.5 Stars0.5 Stars Sensitivity 0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives
0 Stars0 Stars0 Stars0 Stars0 Stars Judgment 0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives
0.5 Stars0.5 Stars0.5 Stars0.5 Stars0.5 Stars Focus 0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives
0 Stars0 Stars0 Stars0 Stars0 Stars Action 0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives0 Negatives

by Karen Ackerman

Song and Dance Man is about self-enhancement and a series of events . The genre of the story is Comedy, the setting is Contemporary and Realistic, and the heritage is North American.

Grandpa opens up his old chest of saved goods and returns to his old days as a song and dance man on the vaudeville stage. In the turn, he relearns--and teaches his grandchildren--the value of staying young at heart.

Moral reasoning in the story focuses on concern for relationships.

The theme of the story is Family and loved ones are more important than fame.

No Violence
No Cruelty
No Rudeness
No Religion/Spirituality
Yes Stereotypes
There is stereotyped age differences in the story.

Key Virtues

  • Love
  • Creativity
  • Courage
  • Excellence
  • Respect